Fairy Tale Unit- Day 1 & 2


Essential Questions:


• Students will discuss the different ways that fairy tales can be studied , through the setting, culture, origin, and elements of fairy tales.

• Students will understand the specific elements of a fairy tale are that it takes place in a far off place (setting), there is a magical element (events), there are good and bad characters (characters), and the good are rewarded and the bad are punished (message).

• Students will read picture books and identify whether the story is a fairy tale or not by examining the elements of the story and applying their knowledge of fairy tale elements. (Bloom’s Taxonomy- Application)



1) Prior to the lesson or even at the beginning of the lesson, students will complete the Fairy Tale Forced Choice Activity worksheet to preview the unit. (Individual)

2) Explain what the essential questions and understandings are for the unit. Invite students to ask any other questions. (Whole Class)

3) Because Perrault’s Cinderella is a story students have prior knowledge about, teacher will read aloud Cinderella to introduce the genre of fairy tales. (Whole Class-on the rug)

4) Using Cinderella as a model, explain elements of fairy tale. Write on chart paper. (Whole Class)

5) Explain that fairy tales started off as oral tales. Oral tales were passed down from generations all around the world. For example, there are over 200 versions of Cinderella from all over the world. Discuss how could there be so many versions? Use “Whisper Down the Lane” as an analogy of how stories can evolve.

6) Teacher will pick student pairs randomly. Students will pair up and choose a story (out of preselected picture books) they will read together. They may read aloud to each other. After reading, they will decide if the book has each element of a fairy tale, and then determine if it is a fairy tale. They will complete the “Is____________ a fairy tale?!” handouts (Pairs)

Connection to science: They will be making an inference about the book.

7) Each pair will report back to the class with their conclusion. The teacher will record on a “What’s in a Fairy Tale Anyways?!” class chart the titles of books and check off each element as pairs present their stories.(Whole Class)

8) If students aren’t sure about some elements of a book, discuss if it is a fairy tale or not. Discuss how it is an oral tale, from an oral tradition.

9) By the end of class, students will differentiate stories as fairy tales and other stories as different genres such as fiction. Students can see how fairy tales can range in topic, but also include elements of the story. Follow up questions to discuss: “Did the fairy tales always have happy endings? Was it a happy ending for everyone? Do you think the story might be different in another country? We will explore these questions in the following lessons”.

Differentiation Ideas:

For this lesson, students should be able to identify the elements of a fairy when reading their book, and assessment will be based on the completion of “Is____________ a fairy tale?!” handout, and the student pair responses to the “What’s in a Fairy Tale Anyways?!” class chart.
